New Business

Seingim will design Tessera Stadium


We are proud to be part of the group of engineering companies led by Maffeis Engineering S.p.A., which we share as principals with Populous Limited, Soil Engineering S.r.l. and Gae Engineering S.r.l., who, together with the construction companies Costruzioni Bordignon S.r.l., Fincantieri Infrastructure S.p.A. and Ranzato Impianti S.r.l., won the tender for the design of the stadium, which will be the heart of the “Bosco dello Sport” in Tessera (VE).
The stadium will be one of the most important projects in the wider intervention plan known as “Bosco dello Sport”, which will be the new epicentre of sports and leisure activities for the entire Venetian territory.
This ambitious project aims to transform Tessera into a reference point for sport and leisure, offering high quality facilities and promoting a sustainable environment that will provide new opportunities for growth and development for the local community.
We are committed to ensuring a state-of-the-art design that meets the highest standards of quality and sustainability and we are confident that, together with our partners, we will succeed in creating a space that will be a source of pride for all Venetians.