Seingim Global Service, Iconia Ingegneria Civile and Studio Asa Albanese are developing an innovative plant engineering module for structural envelopes. P-PANNELS will optimize building design by contributing to the goals of RIS3 “sustainable living”.
Intervention carried out using funding: ROP – Objective “Investment in growth and employment” part ERDF European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 in the amount of € 186,375.80
Seingim, as an active member of the Regional Innovative Network “Venetian Green Building Cluster,” took part in the Hybrid Sustainable Worlds project, financed under POR FESR 2014-2020, action 1.1.4 DGR 822/2020, which enables RIR to test and make available to the construction supply chain and end users, innovative models, solutions and paths aimed at improving the living quality of different building types, from residential to offices and commerce, as well as cultural and manufacturing spaces.