Etgal Ashdod power station
Base and detailed design of the Etgal Ashdod power plant (186 MW)
Electric power generation plant using an open-cycle turbine.
Activities performed
MULTIDISCIPLINARY detailed design: Process; Field engineering; Instrumentation and automation (I&C); Civil; Piping; Mechanical (Structural).
Period of performance
2020 – 2023
Project description
The open-cycle power plant consists of a dual-fuel gas turbine – primarily using natural gas as the main fuel and diesel as a backup fuel – equipped with low-emission combustors.
The primary purpose of the power plant’s operation is to manage peak electricity demand during peak hours with daily starts and stops.
The reference gross power output of the power plant under ISO conditions should not exceed 186 MW +5%.
The electrical energy produced by the power plant is supplied to the Israeli national grid at 161 KV through a new on-site substation.